
Green Mind

Forward-looking strategies for the mobility transition, sustainable production approaches and innovative urban development concepts are important. However, it is even more important to take people along on this journey, whose existence is based on the pillars of housing, mobility and work. Theoretical knowledge must be disseminated to all levels of society so that acceptance and openness for ecological and sustainable aspects are created in personal actions. Only then can a "green city", a liveable city of the future, be created; based on tangible innovations and technologies, but supported by the spirit of the people who live and work in these cities.

Transformation only succeeds together - through WIKOIN24 we are rethinking our future.

"In future, cities must become climate-friendly and social, or they will no longer be worth living in. But how can resource consumption be stopped? How can cities become climate-resilient? And what strengthens social cohesion? In the "Green Mind" session, renowned experts will discuss the challenges and dangers of sustainable urban development from different perspectives. The focus will be on prudent visions, powerful concepts and positive experiments. Visit us at WIKOIN 2024, hear a wide range of strategies and possibilities for our cities of tomorrow and join the discussion on how you want to live in the future."

Prof. Dr. theol. Alexis Fritz
Professor of Moral Theology
Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KUI)

Session Chair Green Mind


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Program excerpt Green Mind

Thursday, 16.05.2024

14:15 - 14:20

CC, Great Hall

Introduction Green Mind

Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Session Chair Green Mind

Prof. Dr. Alexis Fritz

14:20 - 14:40

CC, Great Hall


Science transfer - how to transfer theoretical knowledge from the research institute into a municipal strategy

Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneidewind

14:40- 15:00

CC, Great Hall


The 1.5° climate target: the cheapest and cleanest electricity with innovation and digitalization

Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Sophia Rödiger

15:00 - 15:15

CC, Great Hall

Conversations with the two keynote speakers

Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Prof. Dr. Alexis Fritz
Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneidewind
Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Sophia Rödiger

15:45 - 16:00

CC, Great Hall


The just city in the Anthropocene. Normative criteria for spatial and urban development

Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Prof. Martin Schneider

16:00 - 16:15

CC, Great Hall


How do we want to live? Changes from the center of society - what civil society contributes to the Green City

Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Johanna Moraweg

16:15 - 17:00

CC, Great Hall

Panel discussion


Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Prof. Dr. Alexis Fritz
Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneidewind
Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Sophia Rödiger
Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Prof. Martin Schneider
Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Johanna Moraweg
Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Prof. Reinhard Büchl