Green City - Innovations for the city of tomorrow
What do you want from urban living spaces? Should the cities of the future be green, sustainable and liveable, hip, modern and innovative? Our cities are living laboratories for the future. Four areas of life that play an essential role in a city will be examined more closely at the Ingolstadt Science Congress. As if under a magnifying glass, WIKOIN24 makes central questions visible. We have invited renowned experts for the key topics "Green Building", "Green Mobility", "Green Production" and "Green Mind", who will present numerous innovations, technologies and concepts that will make our cities fit for the future so that they remain sustainably attractive and liveable for commercial enterprises, science, skilled workers and citizens.
Digital program with the WIKOIN app

All information about the congress also in the WIKOIN App!
The current program, the site plan, contacts to other participants such as speakers and much more in the WIKOIN app for download. The app can be easily downloaded from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. With and without registration.

All information about the congress also in the WIKOIN App!
The current program, the site plan, contacts to other participants such as speakers and much more in the WIKOIN app for download. The app can be easily downloaded from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. With and without registration.
Download the WIKOIN app with matching QR code. Simply scan it with your smartphone camera.

Apple App Store
Google Play Store
Program excerpt
CC, main entrance
Green City Tour
Ingolstadt - the green pearl on the Danube
Free city tour. Explore the city with Andrea Schiberna from Ingolstadt
Further information here.

Andrea Schiberna
Green city tour
Ingolstadt - the green pearl on the Danube
Explore the city with Andrea Schiberna from Ingolstadt
Further information here.

Andrea Schiberna
Ingolstadt University of Technology
Interaktiver Showroom zur Urban Air Mobility an der Technischen Hochschule Ingolstadt.
Before the WIKOIN opening evening, visit our exhibition with exciting impulses and VR simulations on unmanned electric flight right next door at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (Foyer A).
Further information can be found here: IFG Ingolstadt: AMI FlyingIN2Air - Hybrid Showroom
Green city tour
Ingolstadt - the green pearl on the Danube
Explore the city with Andrea Schiberna from Ingolstadt
Further information here.

Andrea Schiberna
CC, Ingolstadt hall
Opening event
The very big Kevin Reichelt show

Kevin Reichelt

Lisa Feller
Opening event
The very big Kevin Reichelt show

Kevin Reichelt
CC, Foyer
Admission & Registration
09:00 - 09:10
CC, Ingolstadt hall
Welcome and opening

Dr. Christian Scharpf

Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld

Prof. Dr. Walter Schober
Welcome and opening

Dr. Christian Scharpf

Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
10:45 - 11:15
Coffee break
15:40 - 16:10
Coffee break
17:00 - 17:10
CC, Ingolstadt hall
Summary & outlook

Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Green City Plaza
Green City Plaza - Between Maritim Hotel and Kavalier Dalwigk
09:00 - 09:10
CC, Ingolstadt hall
Welcome and transition to the first part of the day's program

Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
10:45 - 11:15
Coffee break
15:15 - 15:45
Coffee break
17:00 - 17:10
CC, Ingolstadt hall

Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld
Tagtraum Ingolstadt (Paradeplatz 3, 85049 Ingolstadt)